Monday, November 10, 2008

Hideous Republican Chuds of the Week

That would be this bunch of assholes:

A billboard truck circulated around North High School on Monday morning showing graphic images of abortion as students walked to school.

The Center for Bio-ethical Reform, an Ohio-based group, is behind the billboards, which have circulated in other parts of the country, including towns in Ohio and in Fort Myers, Fla.

Parents were upset at the images, saying their children shouldn't be exposed to that on their way to school. Berenice Rivera said that kind of education needs to be done at home with the family, not as students are going to school.

Phoenix Union High School district leaders were also upset at the billboard and said they would be sending home a letter to parents. Craig Pletenik, a spokesperson for the district, said some parents wondered why North High, at 12th Street and Thomas Road, had been targeted specifically.

Targeting an urban high school, when there are plenty of high schools out in SnotsScottsdale that would be just as worthy a targets is incredibly curious. Of course, the fact that urban poor people can't raise the kind of legal stink that suburban high school parents can raise is one explanation. Or maybe it's simple classist or racist actions on their part.

In any case, it's one thing to warp your own kids minds with the failed strategy of abstinence only education. It's quite another to force it down the throat of the children of others.

Congratulations, drivers, workers, volunteers, and the creeps that fund the misleadingly named Center for Bioethical Reform. You've become Republican Chuds of the Week

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