Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Lack of Perspective (or Drama Queens, Get the F*ck Out)

OK, fellow travellers on the Left. Let's talk about a few facts.

On November 6, returning to work after a well deserved day off, I had the opportunity to speak with several coworkers who are fellow Obama supporters and Democrats.

My first two sentences were this:

1. Now the real work begins.
2. Be prepared for Obama to break your heart.

Let's talk about both of those for a minute.

Now the real work begins.

FDR was widely considered one of our more progressive Presidents. He didn't run for reelection that way in 1932. Truth is, on a lot of policies, he ran by offering to out-Hoover Hoover.

Then, when in office, his first attempts at economic policy were so tepid they almost led to his undoing.

Let's relate that to the present day. There are still a lot of god-awful, corporate Democrats out there. Last I checked, totally useless gits like the Nelsons, Joe Lieberman and the Salazars are still in the House and Senate. There are still going to be somewhere between 43-40 Republican assholes like Jon Kyl in the Senate and even more GOoPer neanderthals in the House.

If we don't fight for it, we're going to get more of the same bullshit we've seen in the last 16 years. Corporate giveaways, brain-dead, one-sided "free" trade deals. Be prepared to ride your Congressmen (or women) and Senators like a jockey flogging a horse on the way to the Winner's Circle at the Kentucky Derby.

If you don't pester your Congressmen and Senators when Obama's trying to push something important through the SenateCongress, you didn't win a damn thing last Tuesday. It's that simple.

Obama will break your heart.

Here's the truth. During his first 100 days in office, Barack Obama will do something, or not do something, that is going to drive you up a fucking wall. He won't prioritize something that is THE MOST IMPORTANT THING EVER. Or he will prioritize something you couldn't give a shit about.

All Presidents do. Now mind you, he won't probably crush your spirit like Bush did. Who could? But he will do something that will bother you.

Here's a secret. There's only one person that will absolutely agree with every sacred cow, my way or the highway, policy position that is important to you. Trouble is, you weren't running for President.

As for the stupid highlighted here, all I can say is people ought to be a whole lot smarter than this.

1 comment:

Unknown said...


Did you happened to read this regarding the dems in az?