Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Live Blogging I

6:06 PM Pennsylvania called for Obama Per CNN. Huge Blow for McCain, who probably spent too much time in the state over the last few weeks.

6:08 PM. Lots of calls as a bunch more states closed at the 6 PM Arizona Time Hour. Summarizing:

McCain: Oklahoma, Tennessee South Carolina
Obama: Maine (all 4 EVs), New Hampshire, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Jersey, Pennsilvania, Illinois.

Obama already at 103 EVs.

6:13 PM: Accidentally omitted the District of Columbia, which was called for Obama at closing time as well.

6:15 PM: Elizabeth Dole in deep, deep trouble in North Carolina. MSNBC is apparently already calling it for Democrat Kay Hagan. The atheist attack ad Dole ran just destroyed her.

6:18 PM: FYI. Don't know what CNN knows that MSNBC doesn't (or vice versa), but CNN still hasn't projected either New Hampshire or Pennsylvania for Obama.

6:26 PM: I chose not to make a two-way (45 minutes each way) trek home after work, and am instead blogging from a Starbucks not far away. The buzz here is 100% Election, all the time. Not sure what that means, other than the spirit of Democracy is clearly alive and well in Downtown Phoenix. That's got to be good for something, right?

6:34 PM: Daily Kos's election tracker and CNN now calling New Hampshire for Obama. No word on Pennsylvania yet.

6:36 PM: I'm wrapping up from Starbucks. Will be back to life in KPNX-TV's studios shortly.

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